"The 14th Transportation Battalion (AM&S)(GS)"
San Antonio, Texas
Thursday, October 23, 2014 through Sunday, October 26, 2014
at the
San Antonio, Texas
Thursday, October 23, 2014 through Sunday, October 26, 2014
at the
"El Tropicano Hotel Riverwalk"
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~ Reunion 2012 ~
One hundred forty two Vietnam Veteran’s and guests were present, for the 4th bi-annual reunion of the 14th Transportation Battalion Association of Vietnam Veterans. Seventy nine Veterans were present who served at least one tour between 1962 and 1972. This was the most successful reunion to date.
Thursday morning, we held our Directors meeting, followed by the General Membership Meeting. In the afternoon the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) representative Dennis Latta gave a very impressive presentation about VA benefits and answered many questions. Friday afternoon the area Disabled American Veterans (DAV) representative Lisa Duncan was very helpful assisting Veterans with filing VA forms and also answering many questions.
All Veterans that attended received a 14TH Trans Bn. five hour long DVD set. All nine units are included in the photos donated by the men who served from 1962 through 1972, set to music from that time period. Thank you Paul Iverson, the producer of the DVD set down memory lane. Also included in the welcome envelop were a, 14TH Trans. Bn. Vietnam Challenge coin, 14TH Trans. Bn. patch, and magnets.
All of these items and more are available at www.14thtransbnamgs.org, the 14TH web site PX store with a suggested donation.
The Friday evening social mixer was scheduled from 7-9pm, but went on after 10pm. It was so successful that we ran out of hors d’oeuvres in one hour, but we had plenty of complimentary wine and beer available.
Saturday was a busy day. We scheduled a 54 passenger charter bus trip to “Fantasy of Flight”, and tried to charter another with no success. So, we recruited about five cars to transport the remaining people to the event, which was free entry for Veterans. The aircraft displays were excellent and the P-51 air show was impressive. Later that day we all gathered together for group pictures and then onto the banquet. Classic Imaging did the photography and produced a wonderful reunion memory book.
The Banquet was second to none. Tom Myles emceed the event and welcomed all to the banquet. He then recognized the Directors for their Association contributions and Maria Scureman for construction of our web site. Then, Benny Aleman introduced the first guest of honor Air Force LTG Daniel James III (ret). Major Al Walker then introduced our second guest of honor Army MG Alton G. Post (ret). Both honored guests gave wonderful presentations and received standing ovations. Thank you all for the great memories. God Bless "Top" Donald Deraud who attended the reunion, but has since departed the pattern.
We will do our best to make our next reunion in San Antonio, TX., even more successful. Save the date October 23-27th, 2014.